Examples for function 'de'

Reference doc for 'de'.

The function 'de' is of type FSUBR (which is a built-in FEXPR), which can have any number of arguments, that won't be evaluated. When actual parameters are missing during a call, but are required, they will be substituted with a NIL value by default.

Value of symbol 'de'
   : de
   -> 266836
returns the address of function 'de' in memory

PicoLisp substitutes missing but required arguments with the value NIL
   : (de)
   !? (de)
   NIL -- Protected symbol
is equivalent to:
   : (de NIL NIL)
   !? (de NIL NIL)
   NIL -- Protected symbol
so, redefining NIL (as well as other protected system objects) is obviously not allowed

First argument of 'de' must be an unprotected symbol
   : (de 1)
   !? (de 1)
   1 -- Symbol expected
because PicoLisp wants to bind "something" to it.

Function 'de' just sets a symbol to some value (which *can* be a function definition)
   : (de foo A B C)
   -> foo

   : foo
   -> (A B C)
which is (under the hood) equivalent to
   : (de foo . (A B C))
   -> foo

   : foo
   -> (A B C)
which explains why a function can have multiple body expressions
   : (de bar (A B) (println A) (println B) (println (+ A B))  (+ 5 6))
   -> bar

   : bar
   -> ((A B) (println A) (println B) (println (+ A B)) (+ 5 6))
where A and B are the formal parameters and we also see 4 expressions in the function body
   : (bar 1 2)
   1        ->    output of first 'println'
   2        ->    output of second 'println'
   3        ->    output of third 'println'
   -> 11    ->    result of the expression (+ 5 6)
so, indeed you can use other functions to get the same outcome.

The function 'de' isn't really needed (e.g. for creating a function definition)
   : (setq baz '((p q) (println p) (println q) (+ p q)))
   -> ((p q) (println p) (println q) (+ p q))

   : baz
   -> ((p q) (println p) (println q) (+ p q))

   : (baz 1 2)
   -> 3
References setq

Also a function definition is nothing special, It is just a list
   : (de foo (X Y) (println X) (println Y) (+ X Y))
   -> foo

   : foo
   -> ((X Y) (println X) (println Y) (+ X Y))

   : (car foo)
   -> (X Y)

   : (cadr foo)
   -> (println X)

   : (caddr foo)
   -> (println Y)

   : (cadddr foo)
   -> (+ X Y)
data is code and code is data :-)

References car cadr caddr cadddr

Check if what 'de' has generated is a correct function
   : (de foo 1 2 3)
   -> foo

   : foo
   -> (1 2 3)

   : (fun? foo)
   -> NIL

   : (de bar (A B) (+ A B))
   -> bar

   : bar
   -> ((A B) (+ A B))

   : (fun? bar)
   -> (A B)
Function 'fun?' returns the lambda expression if it is a valid function, otherwise NIL.

References fun?

Check if what 'de' has generated is a correct function
A final note: Indeed you can achieve similar results using either 'de' or 'setq'. However, keep in mind that 'de' is an FEXPR (or for that matter an FSUBR) which does not evaluate its arguments.
   : (setq var1 (+ 2 3))
   -> 5

   : var1
   -> 5                         # Argument of 'setq' was evaluated

   : (de foo (+ 2 3))
   -> foo

   : foo                        # Argument of 'de' was NOT evaluated
   -> ((+ 2 3))
References setq


28may18    ArievW